Where are we?


Today this is almost a ridiculous question...

Of course we know where we are and, if we don't, we quickly consult with our pocket navigator that, with astonishing precision and speed, places us in the world telling us how to get to that little house, remote and away from the madding crowd, where we are going to spend our vacations.

From the beginning, we have had the need to explain the world, give answers, and, without a doubt, knowing our planet and the place we occupy on it has been one of the most important milestones of humanity.

The human being has always known how to record his steps. In the beginning, through their drawings in the caves, our ancestors already left a record of where the enemy tribe settled, where the river went or in which valley the dinner grazed. Knowing where they were and how to reach resources or avoid dangers was the difference between living or dying.

And this was just the beginning. Human beings quickly understood the importance and the positive impact that all this information was going to have both in their lives and in the advancement of the species, although, not even remotely, could they have imagined the spectacular development that would be reached two thousand centuries later.

Not surprisingly, thousands of men and women throughout history have dedicated their lives to mapping every inch of the planet, perhaps just out of a hunger for knowledge and an exploratory spirit. However, this knowledge was critical in the development of societies, cultural exchange, the advancement of sciences such as mathematics or astronomy, the establishment of trade routes, the invention of new tools or the incredible economic boost, among others.

Nowadays, it is so easy to track our order, see the fastest route to our destination or take a flight that we forget that, without the information provided by maps, all this would be impossible . We cannot understand our environment or our reality without maps.

Well, we do a little mental exercise and we trade human beings for our wines and we ask ourselves the same question again;Where are we?

Now the answer is not as simple. We know where we want to go, what we want our wines to be like, however, we often have no map.

History gives us the answer: we make maps, we do NAPPING.

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