One of the virtues of the wine sector is its capacity for self-regeneration and adaptation to overcome the successive crises that history has brought us, each one different, and this is undoubtedly the one which raises the most uncertainties.
We can overcome a crisis in various ways, often combined. The most immediate reaction with short-term efficiency is usually focused on subtracting: reducing costs, containing expenses, optimizing processes and HR to produce more with less, etc., actions with an immediate impact on containing the crisis but that often stress organizations and do not guarantee their sustainability in the medium term.
Therefore, it is smart to combine these subtraction actions with others aimed at adding, that is to say to CREATE VALUE to guarantee sustainability in the medium and long term.
We can create value with new products, new forms of consumption, innovative techniques or applications, looking for new markets. etc., and we often forget the first space where we can create value, the vineyard.
In the vineyard, our wine idea begins to materialize, and we all know that the closer the grape gets to the wine goal, the more profitable and satisfactory our activity will be.
Of the actions that we can carry out in the vineyard, the rational nutrition of the soil and the plant is perhaps the one that can help us the most to create value. Financial value and organoleptic value.
The financial value is directly linked to the grape yield of a defined quality. There are many vineyards that decline over the years and produce well below their means due to having a depleted clay-humic complex, or a blocked root system or certain mineral deficiencies. This idea that "it produces very good grapes because it produces very little" is something we tell ourselves to justify our decisions. Within its physiological and climatic limits, a rationally nourished vineyard will always perform better than one that suffers.
The organoleptic value is linked to the quality of the grape, that is to say to ensure that the grape carries everything that our wine requires as standard.
pH, acidity, malic, nitrogen, GAP, fat, structure, precursors, etc., most deviations or deficiencies in these parameters can be corrected in the winery, but while losing value; financial value due to the cost of corrections and organoleptic value due to the lower performance of exogenous solutions.
A balanced vineyard, in a living soil and with an active root system is a source of value. In addition to producing more and better, it will be more resistant to the weather and cryptogamic threats of the vintage.
To achieve this balance in an organic and sustainable way, just like when we are going to choose a barrel or we are going to decide whether to clarify, we ask the wine. That is why we invite you to ask the vineyard as well:
Vineyard, what do you need to perform well?
- What does your soil need to have a sufficient clay-humic complex and an active root system?
- What does your plant need to develop from budding until it is able to feed itself?
- What does your plant need to complete a good flowering and fruit set?
- What does your plant need to reach the maturity you want?
With a few simple analyzes of the soil, shoots and petioles, you will better understand how the vineyard works and its needs to fulfill its mission of creating value.
Sol analysis can be carried out at any time, the vine shoots with the withered wood before pruning and the petioles to separate flower bud.
There are still a couple of months to be able to act with amendments or organic fertilizers in the soil and plan foliar reinforcement in the first vegetative stages if necessary.
What does your vineyard tell you?
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