Process consulting
Creating the winemaking of the future. It is time to think how to implement advanced and innovative winemaking processes.

Desfangado de vino tinto
¿Puede ser interesante el desfangado en la vinificación de tintos?
El proceso de desfangado de mostos blancos y rosados elimina las borras más gruesas junto a otros compuestos indeseados que pueden tener un impacto en la expresión aromática y evolución del vino, ¿por qué no utilizar esta práctica en el tinto también?

More natural wines, more sustainable wineries and more satisfied customers.
Discover how we are helping our customers with the latest enological innovations.

Microbiology at the service of winemaking
We propose controlling the microbiology in the winery, from the control of alcoholic and malolactic fermentations, through the aging process, and ending with microbiology control for bottling.
Microbiology plays a decisive role.

Aging is one of the most important processes. It is a long stage and one which can affect the organoleptic qualities, changing both the aromatic and tasting profile of the wine.
Aging is not a recipe. We shouldn’t approach this process in the same way every year; the characteristics of the wine itself change every vintage, its structure, tannic style, fruit profile, its T/A balances. If each vintage is different, each aging should also be different.