Polyphenols in reds

  1. Reagents
    • HCl 1% solution by weight (the same as in the Puissant Léon method)
  2. Operating method
    • Clarify the wine sample be centrifugation or filtration.
    • Dilute the sample 1/100 in Hcl solution.
    • Measure absorbancies at: 280 – 320 – 520 nm in 1 cm tank.
  3. Calculations
    • IPT = 100 D280
    • Anthocyanins (mg/L) = 100 (22.76 D520)
    • Tannins (mg/L) = 100 · 76 (D280 – 0.4 (D320 – 0.2 D520) – 0.6 D520)

Calculation of polyphenols in reds

*The value of E520, E280 and E320 considers the dilution.



IPT ACN (mg/l) TAN (mg/l)