
For most wines, the final quality is inversely proportional to the physical aggressions suffered by the grape between harvesting and processing until deposit.

Hence, maintaining the integrity of the berry until the moment of extraction of the must will be a guarantee of quality and mastery of the process.


Transport and unloading

By hand or machine? What distance is traveled from the vineyards to the winery and under what conditions (time, temperature, phase separation, O2, pressure, etc)?

What operations are performed before extraction (washing, selection, destemming, inertization, etc)?

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Grape selection to optimize quality can take place at 3 different points depending on the aim:

In the vineyard, if you have a trained harvesting team. Before destemmiung or pressing if, despite the care provided, you have not been able to release 100% of the cryptogamic pressure. After destemming, to remove vegetal residue or raisined berries.

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Destemming and crushing

In those vinifications where you are not looking for the contribution of substances from the stalk, destemming is a crucial operation with 2 main objectives to: eliminate almost all of the vegetable fraction while maintaining maximum integrity

The perfect destemming would only exist with perfect grapes, with an extremely homogeneous maturity where the turgor of the berries and the force necessary to separate them from their petioles is identical for each grain.

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Solids and liquids

Solids and liquids

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