Yeast derivatives
It is indisputable that yeasts play a key role in the development of wine. For their fermentation capacity, release of aromas, their effects on color, redox level, fat, aromatic and even tartaric stability. Specifically, they play an essential role in the expression of the wine. Yeasts have properties that should be used; they can increase the fat, round off wines and protect the fruit from oxydation. The enrichment of a wine using yeast macromolecules helps to stabilize wines naturally, and slow down their evolution. This practice is used for whites as well as rosés and reds.
Phylia® Exel
Yeast derivatives
Fully soluble polysaccharides and yeast proteins for refining wines before bottling
BuyVivactiv® Arôme
Yeast derivatives
An organic nutrient to promote the production of aromas in white and rosé wines
BuyPhylia® CYS
Yeast derivatives
Derived from yeast, with enhanced reducing power, for protection from wine oxydation