Smartfeed vineyard

The nutritional cycle of the vineyard is understood by looking at it 3 years from now: the first year directly conditions the vegetation, production and the second, and the latter the production of the third.

The needs of the soil and the plant vary with the production objective, the vine works differently if we ask for a syrah of 8 tn/ha for a light fresh fruit profile than if we ask for 5 tn/ha for a profile ripe fruit concentrate.

3 simple analytics will help you better understand your vineyard and effectively and sustainably plan its nutrition:

  • Soil analysis (every 5 years): to know the availability of nutrients and how they move in the soil.
  • Vine shoot analysis: assesses the reserves available for the vegetative uprooting of the following year.
  • Petiole analysis in H state: a snapshot to successfully tackle flowering and fruit set.

With this data and the production objective we help you plan the nutrition of the vineyard:

  • Work the soil with solids in autumn winter, to achieve a stable long-term balance.
  • Foliar contributions with liquids in spring, as support, adaptive corrections to the weather or grape profiles.
Agronomic objective Organic AmendmentsOrgánicas Organic Fertilizers Organimineral Fertilizers Mineral fertilizers Objective enological
Mantener el nivel de Mat. Orgánica y mejorar el complejo arcillohúmicoel nivel de Mat. Orgánica y mejorar el complejo arcillohúmico 3 1 a 2* 1 a 2* 0 Sostenibilidad del viñedo
Mejorar la estructura del suelo y la retención de agua 3 1 a 2* 1 a 2* 0 Maduración
Estimular la actividad microbiana del suelo 3 3 1 a 2* 1 Rendimiento y calidad
Liberar los nutrientes frágiles: P y oligoelementos 3 3 1 a 2* 0 Equilibrio
Aumentar las reservas minerales del suelo 1 2 3 3
Agronomic objectiveagronómico Organic AmendmentsOrgánicas Organic Fertilizers Organimineral Fertilizers Mineral fertilizers Objective enological
Provides nutrients N, P, K, Mg and trace elementselementos nutritivos N, P, K, Mg y oligoelementos 1 3 3 3 Yield
Complete, balanced and gradual nutritioncompleta, equilibrada y gradual 2 3 2 a 3** 1 Maturity
Sustained N feed without risk of landslidede N sostenida sin riesgo de deslave 2 2 2 a 3** 1 Fresh fruit profiles, high N
Strengthens the natural defenses of the strainlas defensas naturales de la cepa 3 3 1 a 2** 0 Health
Overall quality improvement: acidity, ATT, GAP, Nass ...general de calidad: acidez, ATT, GAP, Nass … 3 3 1 a 2** 1 Balanced grape
* an important action if there is a high % of vegetable matter
** important action based on the quality of the organic elements
*** important action if the % of organic N of vegetable origin is high.

Organic amendments: humus effect

What are they? Composted fermentable plant organic materials, effective humus.

What are they for? To stimulate the microbiological activity of the soil, regenerate the clay-humic complex, improve texture and water retention, gradually release nutrients and reinforce the natural defenses of the vine.

When are they applied? From the end of autumn to the middle of winter.

Did you know that? Effective HUMUS per ton

Richumus 1.8/0.5/0.7

Organic amendments

Increases the humus in the vineyard.

Ask us
Vegethumus SD R 090101

Vegethumus SD R 2.2/1.5/1 +2Mg

Organic amendments

Effective humus and root stimulation

Ask us
Biodyter GR S25

Biodyter GR S25

Organic amendments

Effective humus and root stimulation.


Organic fertilizers

What are they? Organic vegetable and animal matter on a vegetable compost base.

What for? To increase the soil’s humus content and stimulate its microbial activity. It increases the reserves of minerals and trace elements, and feeds the vine gradually and sustainably, without risk of loss due to washing. It reinforces the natural defenses of the vine and improves its production and the ability to mature.

When? During winter.

Orga 2 2/2/5 +3

Orga 2/2/5+3Mg

Organic fertilizers

Humic maintenance of the soil.

Ask us
Orga 3/2/3+3Mg

Orga 3/2/3+3Mg

Organic fertilizers

Activates the natural fertility of the soil and the physiological balance of the plants.

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Orga 6/3/3+3Mg

Orga 6/3/3+3Mg

Organic fertilizers

Biological reactivation with enrichment from gradually released N

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Calciorga 3/2/2+2+10CaO

Calciorga 3/2/2+2+10CaO

Organic fertilizers

Biological reactivation for acidic soils

Guanorich 3/3/3+3Mg

Guanorich 3/3/3+3Mg

Organic fertilizers

Balanced nutrition with easy assimilation


Organomineral fertilizers

What are they? Organic vegetable and animal matter with a mineral supplement, formulated on a vegetable compost base.

What for? To stimulate microbial activity. To increase mineral and trace element reserves, feeding the vine in a complete, balanced and gradual way.

When? In the middle of the autumn or from the end of winter to the start of spring.

Abonos órgano-minerales (67)

Guanor 3/6/12

Organomineral fertilizers

Biological activation enriched with K, degree and concentration.

Ask us
Actimus 4/3/5+3Mg

Actimus 4/3/5+3Mg

Organomineral fertilizers


Wine Fresh 5/3/1+5Mg

Wine Fresh 5/3/1+5Mg

Organomineral fertilizers

Freshness and stability for the wines, pH containment.

Ozix VITI SD R 11/4/12 SK+2Mb

Ozix VITI SD R 11/4/12 SK+2Mb

Organomineral fertilizers

Reactivation of soil in spring, improved yield.

Tenor SDR 5/5/10 SK +3Mg Sulfa y Clorur

Tenor SDR 5/5/10 SK +3Mg

Organomineral fertilizers

Biological activation supplemented by trace elements


Tenor SDR 5/5/10 SK +3Mg Chloride

Organomineral fertilizers

N/P/K (Nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus)       


Liquid nutritional formulations

What are they? Liquid fertilizers for foliar or drip application, fast and specific action depending on its composition.

What for? To correct deficiencies immediately, to adapt to the weather of the year, to support specific wine profiles or to support a general revitalization of the vineyard.

When? From state E (extended leaves) to harvest depending on the objective.

Nutribio 4/3/6

Nutribio 4/3/6


Root stimulation and stress resistance

Nutribio 5/4/2 + Si

Nutribio 5/4/2 + Si


Balanced nutrition and root stimulation to optimize photosynthesis and water supply.

Nutribio Ca

Nutribio Ca


Improves the resistance of the skin which is very useful for extreme maturations.

Nutribio Fe

Nutribio Fe


Reactivates chlorophyll activity and guarantees photosynthesis. Correction of ferric chlorosis.

Nutribio K

Nutribio K


Root stimulation and correction of K deficiencies.

Nutribio Mg

Nutribio Mg


Activates glucide synthesis, corrects Mg deficiencies and regulated K absorption

Nutribio N 9/0/0

Nutribio N 9/0/0


N and root stimulation to enhance strength, leaf surface area and synthesis of aromatic precursors

Nutribio Oligos

Nutribio Oligos


Improves photosynthesis and cell growth. Corrects deficiencies in trace elements.

Nutribio P

Nutribio P


Activates photosynthesis and improves flowering and growth. Corrects P deficiencies

Nutribio ZnMn

Nutribio ZnMn


Corrects Zn and Mg deficiencies to guarantee the synthesis of chlorophyll and the assimilation of N

Osiryl Bio Amm

Osiryl Bio Amm


Enhances rooting in cultivation and ensures success in replanting.


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