
Biodyter GR S25

Biodyter GR S25

Organic amendments

Effective humus and root stimulation.


Richumus 1.8/0.5/0.7

Organic amendments

Increases the humus in the vineyard.

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Vegethumus SD R 090101

Vegethumus SD R 2.2/1.5/1 +2Mg

Organic amendments

Effective humus and root stimulation

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Calciorga 3/2/2+2+10CaO

Calciorga 3/2/2+2+10CaO

Organic fertilizers

Biological reactivation for acidic soils

Guanorich 3/3/3+3Mg

Guanorich 3/3/3+3Mg

Organic fertilizers

Balanced nutrition with easy assimilation

Orga 2 2/2/5 +3

Orga 2/2/5+3Mg

Organic fertilizers

Humic maintenance of the soil.

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Orga 3/2/3+3Mg

Orga 3/2/3+3Mg

Organic fertilizers

Activates the natural fertility of the soil and the physiological balance of the plants.

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Orga 6/3/3+3Mg

Orga 6/3/3+3Mg

Organic fertilizers

Biological reactivation with enrichment from gradually released N

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Actimus 4/3/5+3Mg

Actimus 4/3/5+3Mg

Organomineral fertilizers


Wine Fresh 5/3/1+5Mg

Wine Fresh 5/3/1+5Mg

Organomineral fertilizers

Freshness and stability for the wines, pH containment.

Ozix VITI SD R 11/4/12 SK+2Mb

Ozix VITI SD R 11/4/12 SK+2Mb

Organomineral fertilizers

Reactivation of soil in spring, improved yield.

Tenor SDR 5/5/10 SK +3Mg Sulfa y Clorur

Tenor SDR 5/5/10 SK +3Mg

Organomineral fertilizers

Biological activation supplemented by trace elements
