Legal information

In accordance with Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, we inform you that the domains and are owned by AZ3 Oeno, S.L. (tax ID: ES-B20700290), with its registered office at Polígono Akarregi, Pab. 5B, 20120 Hernani (Gipuzkoa), phone 943336032, email, registered in the Trade and Companies Register of Gipuzkoa, Volume 1832, Book 0, Folio 169, Sheet SS-17660, Entry 4ª.

AZ3 Oeno, S.L. (hereinafter “the Data Controller”) is a company whose main purpose is the provision of distribution and marketing services for winemaking products, machinery and consultancy for winemaking services. The websites found at and (hereinafter “the website”) are owned by AZ3 Oeno, S.L. Anyone who visits and uses the website is a website user (hereinafter “the user”).


The user accesses this website voluntarily. Access to this website is free. Browsing of this website implies acceptance and knowledge of the legal warnings, terms and conditions of use, privacy policy and cookies policy contained therein. If the user does not agree with these conditions and does not give their consent, they may not use this website.

Access to this website and the use made of the information it contains is the exclusive responsibility of the user. The user agrees to use said information in accordance with the purpose of the website. The user may not make illegal use of the information contained on this website or carry out actions that may damage or harm this website’s information systems. It is prohibited for users to include and communicate content that is incorrect or inaccurate and that misleads or may mislead the Data Controllerm users of the website or third parties. The user shall be solely responsible for the damage caused by the communication of such data. It is prohibited to use the personal data of third parties without their consent, as well as to use data identifying third parties with the aim of passing for or impersonating any other person or entity.

The Data Controller makes every effort to avoid errors in the content published on the website, reserving the right to modify this information at any time. AZ3 Oeno, S.L. expressly waives any liability for error or omission in the content of this website and for the damage and harm that may occur due to lack of veracity, accuracy and up-to-dateness of the content.

The website may provide links to other websites or facilitate its access via a search bar located on its website. AZ3 Oeno, S.L. assumes no liability for these linked websites or for the results of the searches since it has no control over them, their content, products and services offered, etc. The purpose of these services is to inform the user of other sources of information, therefore, the user access the content under their exclusive responsibility and under the conditions of use governing the same. In terms of links to social media, held by the Data Controller or third parties, the same will be governed by the general conditions of said networks.

AZ3 Oeno, S.L. shall not be held responsible for any consequence, damage or harm that may be derived from the use of this website or its contents, including computer data and the introducton of viruses or any other type of malicious software. The Data Controller does not guarantee the absence of viruses or any other harmful elements on the website, introduced by third parties, which may alter the hardware or software of users, but it makes every effort to ensure this does not happen.

AZ3 Oeno, S.L. reserves the right to modify or delete at any time, and without notice and/or justification, the design, configuration and information contains on this website, if it deems this necessary. The Data Controller is not responsible for any damage these modifications may cause. However, it will make every effort to inform users of said modifications.


The property rights over this website, its pages, sections, screens, the information they contain, its appearance and design, text, photos, images, audio, videos, animations, its products and services, trademarks, logos, slogans, etc., are owned by AZ3 Oeno, S.L., unless specified otherwise.

In no case can access to or browsing of the website imply the waiver, transfer or full or partial licensing by AZ3 Oeno, S.L. for the user’s personal use of the intellectual and industrial property rights. The unauthorized reproduction, distribution, marketing or transformation of these works is a breach of the Data Controller’s intellectual property rights.

The user agrees not to do anything to harm the ownership of this website. The unauthorised use of the information contained on this website as well as the damage caused to the intellectual and indistrial property rights of their holders, may give rise to the exercise of legal actions and, if applicable, to the responsibilities derived from said exercise.


These conditions may be modified when AZ3 Oeno S.L. deems this necessary, either to comply with legislative changes or to make another type of improvement. These modifications will be valid from their publication on this website. The Data Controller will make every effort to inform users of the website of the changes made.


Relationships established between AZ3 Oeno, S.L. and the user will be governed by that set out in current regulations regarding applicable legislation and competent jurisdiction. However, in cases where the law provides the possibility of the parties submitted to a court, the Data Controller and the user, expressly waiving submission to any other relevant court, submit to the judges and courts of Donostia San Sebastián (Gipuzkoa).

AZ3 Oeno, S.L. shall pursue any breach of the above conditions, as well as any improper use of the content presented on its website using all the civil and penal sanctions available under the law, including those of a financial nature.

Last update to the Legal Notice: 08/05/2019