After Enomaq loaded with learning and emotions, we return to the routine, thanking everyone who came to our stand.
The aim of this Enomaq was to explain our philosophy of living and logical enology, which we have always defined and supported. Enological enology And we have carried it out with the claim "enological thinking". Because wine is made in the vineyard but it is born from your idea.
We have always said that we want to help you with the design of your wines, offering you the services, products and tools best adapted to your tastes and needs. Innovative means and methods, always looking for quality and continuous improvement. Because we are a living organization that promotes living winemaking.
Therefore, that has been our mission, “enological thinking” aims to practice logical enology; a living, simple, effective and sustainable enology. Because wines are born from your ideas and that is where we want to be, by your side, to inspire these ideas and help you with the design of your ideal wine, sharing experiences and providing you with the most appropriate tools to achieve your goal.
"Wine was born from your idea and from this idea, we began to look in the field for the plots, grapes and processes most adapted to the profile of wine devised".
In addition to this philosophy, we have our area of Enological Consultancy Because we cultivate ideas, technologies and knowledge to transform them into innovative processes, together with you.
In this area, first of all, we have focused on wine design.
"When digital captures your senses"
We believe that the definition of a product, that is to say, of a wine, is the first link on which we must start working. It is essential to have a clear idea of the wine you want to create. Define the objective and then the tools and resources necessary to achieve the defined objective, the defined idea, the defined wine.
To respond to this need, we have presented the tool Sensiel. The solution for defining in a rational and parameterized way the profile of a wine or a group of wines.
We have also presented what we pointed out in our previous post, a turn towards the vineyard, through customized nutrition of the soil and the vine focused on the wine profile, with the knowledge and organic fertilizers from our partner Frayssinet.

Pamper the soil, pamper the vine, measure and interpret to nurture in a logical and reasoned way based on the desired wine style, with your feet on the ground. It is the first enological act that will bring you success in the development of your wine idea.
Knowledge of the vineyard is the basis for accurately understanding profitable wine production, respecting the identity and identity of the wine, the land, the family or the winery.
In these years we have learned that many of the problems that we find in the winery can be solved in the vineyard: high pH, low levels of YAN, herbaceous or vegetable profiles, lack of fruit, premature ripening blocks, lack of color, etc., these are some of the setbacks that take a lot of effort, time and money to correct in the winery, and that we can avoid with reasoned nutrition of the soil and the plant.
Other vineyard tools we have presented areDualex y Bacchimeter sensors from our partner Force A.
Only what is measured can be improved and viticultural actions only acquire meaning and profitability if they are based on defined objectives and precise knowledge of the state and operation of the plant. Measuring the nutritional balance of the plant and the evolution of the synthesis of anthocyanins helps us to achieve our objective
In terms of process solutions, one of our innovations has been the CO2 Membran System de K+H Tech, the solution for adjusting CO2, N2 and O2 content in your wine.
The concept of Phyliantropía was also presented, making known the respectful clarification solution suitable for vegans and organic wines; Phylia EPL. The refining of wines in their most original and natural form.
As always, thanks to you, it was a fruitful and constructive experience, enjoying your company, sharing and learning, because “We know more together”
Here is a video of the interactive wall we had at our stand during the event. Shall we try reverse winemaking?
Thank you to everyone for your visit!
The AZ3 OENO team.
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